Charity project 2015.
Dear friends, thank you for being with us!
This is a big project, which started with a small idea. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of children suffering from very hard diseases. They have to stay in hospitals for a long time. Sometimes they do not even have the possibility to interact with other children because of the infection transmission precautions and, of course, they have difficulties with getting education.
When it is difficult to cope with the disease in the regions where these children live, they are sent to Moscow for treatment. There are two largest federal academic medical centres: the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital and the Centre of Pediatric Haematology, Oncology and Immunology named after D. Rogachev. They accept for treatment more than 5,500 children per year from all over Russia and neighbouring countries. Many of them stay in hospital for months during their treatment.
Education legislation in Russia grants all children the right to receive a quality education regardless of their difficulties and place of living, and there is still much to do to make it a reality.
Today, the school sections of these two large hospitals have become integrated to the famous Moscow School №109 led by a well-known Russian pedagogue, Member of the Russian Academy of Education and a good friend of mine, Evgeni Yamburg. It was in discussing with him the role of education and social activities for the psychosomatic health of children who are ill for a long time, that we got the idea of using modern means, pedagogical and educational technologies to create a new format of education and socially active environment for these children.
At the same time, we understand that the new technology is just a tool to achieve our goal. It can’t replace live communication with a child.
We are grateful to Samsung Company for considering our idea and including the project in their social program. Today, the necessary equipment is already being installed in clinics and in the primary school.
The project is supported by the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.An innovation platform "Design and implementation of the educational environment for children undergoing long-term treatment in medical centres" has been opened on the basis of our idea.
A separate goal of the project will be to train ill children’s parents, who had to change their professional life in order to be always with their children. We will provide them with an additional qualification of "tutor" to make them able to cooperate with us educating children. There are many other aspects of the programme things, which can hardly be summerised here.
An educational network that includes other Russian and foreign educational institutions has been created. They have different reasons to take part in the project but they all have useful pedagogical experience, instrumental in achieving the project's goals and objectives.
Together we will succeed! May God help us. And best wishes of heath to all!
Everything that I have done for this project, I dedicate to my Mother and other Mothers who have, through sleepless nights, learn in their soul and heart what it means to help their children to cope with a serious illness and to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their child's future health.
Sharikov Sergey
Honorary Officer of education of the Russian Federation
Head of the Project Office "UchimZnaem"
"UchimZnaem" ( "TeachLearn" )
distance learning & social integration for the children
on long-term therapy.
Originators & participants of the project:
Evgueni Yamburg
Scientific Director of the project
Honorary Teacher of Russian Federation, Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Member of Russian Academy of Education, Director of the Educational Center No 109 (Moscow) better known as "Yamburg School", based on the Yamburg adaptive model of the school.
More then 20 years "Yamburg School" has been teaching children inRussian Children's Clinical Hospital ( 5 000 children).
Evgueniy Yamburg is the author of the books & publications: «This boring science of management", "School for everybody" ( the Best Pedagogy Book of Russia 1997), "Decameron Pedagogic" etc.
Tatiana Vasilieva
Scientific Director of the project
Vice-Director of the Departmet of Education of Moscow
Ph.D in Pedagogy.